Arbitration as an Alternative in Family Law
Typically, the best matters for family law Arbitration in a property sense, are those ones where the pool is not overly substantial, nor are there overly complex issues at stake. For instance, if there are third parties involved and many Trusts and corporate entities involved, then Arbitration will not be suitable.
Three Important Things You Must Know About Family Law When Dealing With Your Own Clients
As a professional advisor, whether as a lawyer (not working in family law), accountant, financial advisor, wealth manager, or acting in any professional capacity for a client, I believe it important that you understand at least some of the very important issues about family law and the impacts that these can have upon your client.
Keeping Property Separate, does not Always Prevent a Property Settlement
Separation of property and finances during a relationship will add strong weight to an argument that there should be no alteration of interest in property, but will it stop a property settlement?
When a Protection Order Application is taken out by your ex-spouse, they are making allegations that you have committed domestic violence against him or her and / or you have threatened to commit domestic violence; and they seeking an Order for protection against you.
Do I need a Financial Agreement or Consent Orders?
We have acted for many clients who are (unsurprisingly) shocked and horrified at having been served with an application from their ex-partner with whom they separated over 10 years ago.
Unwinding Complex Family Law Financial Disputes – Part 1 – Choosing the Right Family Lawyer
The process and concepts to be applied by a family lawyer when dealing with a complex financial matter are really no different to those involved in a straightforward financial matter. There are still four basic steps to a just and equitable property settlement but each of those steps requires a high level of skill and […]