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Why refer your clients and associates to Hartley Family Law

We believe that together we can help more families achieve positive outcomes in their legal matters.
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I Have A Strong Reputation In The Business And Professional Service Community Throughout Brisbane And Southeast Queensland And Am Known For Looking After Important Clients That Are Referred To Me Personally

My philosophy is that family law is a personal area and that whilst being “on the business” is important, the main focus is always to work “in” the business and to service clients needs personally.

I do not delegate clients to other lawyers or clerks in my firm and then not maintain involvement and ultimate control on the client’s outcome. There is nothing more rewarding to me than receiving personal referrals of important clients from other lawfirms, accountants, financial advisors and other businesses. I take these referrals very personally and I am passionate about receiving the best possible outcome for that client so as to help them move on with life and to maintain and keep a good relationship between myself, the client and also the person or the firm whom had the trust in me to refer the client to my firm in the first place.

I Am Passionate About Receiving A Good Outcome For Your Clients, But I Also Have The Legal Skills And Knowledge To Back Up My Passion.

Having passion and client service may be extremely important in family law, but you also need to have the individual expertise and skill to deal with the many complexities that can arise in family law issues, whether in property and/or in parenting disputes. I have those skills, not because I have been practicing family law for a long time, but because I am always passionate about learning and improving my skills and I have always taken a strong interest in the financial aspects of family law.

I have presented many papers and seminars on financial topics concerning family law, including, but not limited to valuations of businesses, big money cases and tax implication issues.

I believe that myself and my team at HFL are more than capable to help you look after your clients better if they do go through separation.


Why Refer Your Client To Us?

Because you can be assured that Brett will personally look after your client with the necessary passion, client service, legal skill and expertise your client requires and deserves

Further and most importantly, why do the work yourself for your client if your client is an important client of your firm who you have had a long-standing relationship with? Matrimonial matters can become extremely emotional and messy. Unless you have someone within your firm with a high degree of expertise and skill, then why risk the breakdown of that relationship with your client by trying to do the work yourself?

The added advantage of referring clients to Brett and his firm is that you can be guaranteed that all other work in your expertise that you do for that client will be given back to you and you will retain the client, because firstly, your client will be satisfied with the service and outcome we achieve for them and secondly, and most importantly, we only do family law work. That is, we do nothing else but family law. We do not do wills, estates, or power of attorney work. We do no type of commercial work or even post-separation conveyancing.

We Specialise Specifically Only In Family Law, And We Refer All Other Work Back To You As The Referrer
For example, let’s assume you are a commercial law firm and send us a client. There may be work to be done on that client’s matrimonial file that relates to things such as post separation conveyancing, restructuring or other things. Not only do we naturally refer that work back to you, but we also work closely with you to maintain your relationship with the client.
Sometimes our referrers like to work closely with us and other times they may just trust us to do everything and look after the client, without much involvement from them. Whatever your option we can accommodate, and you can be assured that expert work will be done for your client and your client will always maintain a strong relationship with your firm.
For Example, Sometimes In A Matrimonial Matter We Will Also Need To Seek Expert Specialist Advice That Is Not In The Scope Of Family Law

This may be in areas such as superannuation, taxation, financial advice, and other areas.

If you and your business referred the client to us initially, then we always go back to you first to check whether you would like to utilise your own networks in who we chose to help your client in an area.

For example, if you did not work in superannuation, but we need some superannuation expert advice, we will ask you for any experts in superannuation that you have a relationship with, rather than simply choosing our own contacts or networks. This ensures the client maintains their ongoing relationship with you and your business.

How Does The Initial Client Referral Work
This can be as easy as a phone call us or an email to Brett through our contact page. We do not charge for any initial conferences or chats in relation to clients privately referred to us. We enjoy the opportunity to be able to provide initial advices and assistance so that your client is satisfied that we are an appropriate fit for them and gain some confidence early on that we can look after the matter with a high degree of skill and expertise.
Initially, After Conferring With Yourself And Your Client We Will Set Out Clearly The Scope Of Any Work We Are To Do Before Embarking Upon Any Work With Your Client.

It Is Good To Have Us In Your Team

Brett has a close relationship with many professional businesses in the Brisbane area and we are always happy to assist at any time (free of charge) with any enquiries or issues that may arise for your client in a matrimonial space from time to time. For example, you may have a valuable staff member who has recently separated and going through some drama. We can have an obligation free chat to that staff member to put their mind at rest about something that may have been said to them or something they may be concerned about.

Likewise, from time to time you may have some queries about family law or some issues that an important client may be experiencing. These may not be issues that require a direct referral and retainer, but we are always happy to listen and help where we can.

Our philosophy and passion in family law is based on a “helping” culture in that we love to give out information and our knowledge to help wherever necessary in understanding matters within the family law space.


Here Are Just A Few Reasons To Become
A Hartley Family Law Affiliate:

Build Strong Relationships

As an affiliate, you'll have the opportunity to build a long-term partnership with our firm and connect with other professionals in our network.

Enhance Your Reputation

When you refer clients to Hartley Family Law, you can be confident that they will receive high-quality legal services from a team that truly cares.

Access To Resources

We provide our affiliates with a range of resources and support to help them confidently refer clients to us. This includes educational materials and consultations.

Stay Informed

Family law is a constantly evolving field. As an affiliate of Hartley Family Law, you'll have access to the latest legal developments and strategies in family law.

Make A Difference

By partnering with Hartley Family Law, you'll be helping families in your community access the legal services they need for their family law matters.

Keeping You Informed

Finally, if we are able to establish a business relationship with you, then we like to continue to keep you informed about aspects of family law that may impact upon your particular business.

We cannot all be experts in every specific field, but we think it helps for you to know a little bit about family law and how it may impact in your line of work from time to time as that enriches your own knowledge and ability to maintain and gain relationships with other clients.

Likewise, we always like to be informed by you about other areas of law that you specialise in and that can assist us in our day-to-day service provided to our clients.

If You Would Like To Know More About Becoming A Referrer Or Receiving Information And Help From Us About Family Law Click Here

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Our Client Success Stories

“Thank you so much for your service and making it happen in the most easy way for me to settle.  It has been a long battle for me but now I can look forward for our future.  Again, thank you”.


“Thank you for all you have done to help me.  You are kind and do your work very well.  I have also been impressed by the kind and capable supporting staff within Hartley Family Law, they are lovely people.”


“Thanks immensely for your thorough advice for my case. You are amazing….👍👍 Thanks team. I could never thank you enough for all your supportive help through my hard times.  I appreciate it a lot.”  



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