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Supporting Local Charities

At Hartley Healy we are very proud to support local Queensland Charities that really get involved with our community and help those in need.

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This year we were honoured to sponsor the following Queensland Charities.

  • Guide Dogs Queensland
    • One of our favourtie charities to be a part of; Guide Dogs Queensland provides services that equip, empower, and educate Queenslanders of all ages who are blind or vision impaired. They really do change people’s lives, and we are enormously proud to support them year after year.
  • Mercy Community Services
    • A Brisbane based charity established to support and empower people who are poor, vulnerable, marginalised, or in a position of disadvantage.
  • Hear and Say
    • Hear and Say is one of the world’s leading pediatric Auditory-Verbal and Implantable Technologies (including cochlear implants) organisations in the world, teaching children who are deaf to hear, listen to speak since 1992.

We look forward to supporting these and other Queensland charities in 2015 and beyond.


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The Hartley Family Law team are Accredited Specialists in Family Law. We only recruit the best in their field so you can get the best and most relevant advice for your situation. Get to know them here.

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The Privacy Statement of the Company is incorporated into these Terms and Conditions. The Company respects the privacy of all its customers and business contacts. The Company is subject to the requirements of the National Privacy Principles which are contained in the Privacy Act.

1. How is personal information collected?
Your name, email address and phone number are collected on the contact form to allow the Company to contact you.
If you email or phone the Company directly, then the Company may record your personal details.
Your personal information may be used to:
a) Improve service to you, the customer
b) The Company may use personal information about you for marketing and research purposes. If you do not wish this to occur, please contact us and we will ensure this does not occur
c) Your personal information is not disclosed to any organisation outside of the Company.

2. Will personal information be given to anyone else?
The Company does not sell or provide your personal information to any other company.

3. Security of personal information
The Company employees are required, as a condition of their employment, to treat personal information held by the Company as confidential, and to maintain the confidentiality of that personal information.
The Company protects the personal information it collects in a secure database.

4. Access and correction
You can access your data at any time by contacting the Company directly.
You also have the right to ask us to correct information about you which is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date.
We ask you to contact the Company by email or phone using the Company contact details if you wish to access or correct any of your personal details.

5. Online privacy issues
To the extent that this Privacy Policy applies to online privacy issues, it is to be read as forming part of the terms of use for our website. When you deal with the Company whether online or otherwise, the Company takes its privacy obligations seriously.

6. Additional privacy information and how to contact the Company
The Company may change its Privacy Policy at any time.

For further information about privacy issues and the protection of privacy visit the Australian Federal Privacy Commissioner’s website at If you feel that The Company is not complying with this Privacy Policy, or if you have other privacy concerns, please contact the company.