Everything you need to know about filing for a Divorce in Australia
There is only one ground for divorce in Australia; that your marriage has broken down irretrievably.
Valuations in Family Law during an Economic Downturn
In a typical family law matter, we need to obtain valuations. The main valuations we need to obtain are those of real estate property and in some cases, shares and business valuations.
Family Law Mediation and How We Maximise Our Clients’ Prospects of Settling
A family law mediation in Queensland is certainly not a typical collaborative type mediation (in most cases where parties sit in a room together and collaborate on best outcomes for each other).
The Uniqueness of Tax in Family Law Property Settlements – Some things you may not have known
Tax is a complex subject and I do not profess to be an expert to tax or any form of revenue law. However, in everyday family law property settlements, the incident of tax often is underestimated and/or is overlooked by clients, practitioners, and their advisors.
What to expect at your family law mediation
Mediation is a commonly used alternative dispute resolution process to resolve parenting and financial proceedings out of court and avoid the time, cost and stress associated with proceedings.