How do I prepare for Family Report Interviews?

If you and your ex-partner cannot agree upon care arrangements for your children, the court may order that you obtain a family report.
What if my partner will not sign a Prenup?

‘Will you sign a prenup?’
It is certainly an unromantic conversation to have with your partner.
Property Settlements in a Pandemic

In early March of 2020 Covid 19 or the Coronavirus pandemic sent the entire world into “unprecedented times”.
Unwinding Complex Family Law Financial Disputes – Part 2 – Identifying Proprietary Interests of the Husband and Wife

In every family law property settlement it is always important to identify the interest in property that each of the husband and wife has as the current date.
Do-It-Yourself Divorce – Beware Fake Innovation and AI Packages

I have noticed recently an increase in the number of so-called experts out there who are trying to sell to the public some sort of artificial package that purports to do the job that a family lawyer would normally do.
Don’t delay Property Settlement after Separation

There are many reasons why a couple should come to a property settlement arrangement sooner rather than later after they separate.